Zaaach Default Edit


Latest Download (v2.4) - October 8, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

Latest Changes

-Changed Statistic Icon Textures.

-Changed Villager Trading Arrows.

-Changed Anvil Icon Textures.

-Changed Enchantment Table GUI.

-Changed Spectator Mode GUI Arrows.

-Changed Beacon GUI.

-Fixed an Error in the Language File.

-Changed Enchantment Glint.

-Changed Chainmail Armor to be High Res to match all other Armor.

-Changed Enchantment Table Book Entity to match regular Books.

-Changed Dragon Egg to better match other Ender things.

-Updated Credits.

v2.3 - October 1, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v2.3 Changes

-Updated Cake Item to match Updated Cake Block.

-Changed the Title on the Title Screen.

-Changed Block Breaking Animation.

v2.2.1 - September 8, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v2.2.1 Changes

-Removed Sharpened Stone Blocks except for Chiseled Stone Brick. I did not like how these looked.

v2.2 - September 4, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v2.2 Changes

-(1.12) Changed Bone Block to match other Bone things.

-Changed Bookshelves to match Oak Planks.

-Changed Brewing Stands to match Potions as well as Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Cactus to be darker.

-Changed Cake to look like Vanilla Cake.

-Changed Cobblestone to be sharper.

-Updated Mossy Cobblestone to match changed Cobblestone.

-Changed Cocoa Beans to be brown.

-Changed Daylight Sensors to match Oak Planks.

-Changed Deadbushes to match Sticks.

-Changed Birch Doors to be symmetrical.

-Updated Birch Door Item to match Changed Birch Door.

-Changed Tall Ferns to be shorter.

-Changed regular Ferns to be shorter.

-Changed Stone to be sharper.

-Changed Stone Slabs to be sharper.

-Updated Stone Bricks to be sharper.

-Updated Mossy Stone Bricks to be sharper.

-Updated Cracked Stone Bricks to be sharper.

-Changed Chiseled Stone Bricks to be sharper and match other Chiseled blocks.

-Changed Lily Pads.

-Updated Lapis Ore to match new Stone.

-Updated Redstone Ore to match new Stone.

-Updated Coal Ore to match new Stone.

-Updated Iron Ore to match new Stone.

-Updated Diamond Ore to match new Stone.

-Updated Gold Ore to match new Stone.

-Updated Emerald Ore to match new Stone.

-Changed Cookies.

-Changed Resource Pack Selection Arrows to match other GUI Buttons.

-Changed Server Selection Arrows to match other GUI Buttons.

-(1.12) Changed World Selection Arrows and Icons to match other GUI Buttons.

-(1.12) Updated Recipe Book Arrows to match other GUI Buttons.

-Updated Credits.

v2.1.2 - August 19, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v2.1.2 Changes

-Changed Red Sand to look more realistic.

-Updated Red Sandstone to look more realistic.

-Updated Smooth Red Sandstone to look more realistic.

-(1.8) Fixed an Error with the language file.

v2.1.1 - August 19, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v2.1.1 Changes

-Updated Leather Armor Model.

-(1.8) Fixed an Error with the language file.

v2.1 - August 18, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v2.1 Changes

-Changed Dark Oak Door to have a White/Silver Doorknob.

-Updated Dark Oak Door Item to match changed Dark Oak Door, as well as reducing noise.

-Changed Leather Armor Model to be High Res to match Iron, Diamond, and Gold Armor.

-Changed all Filled Buckets to have an Animation.

-Added a Custom Language File.

v2 - July 30, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v2 Changes

-Updated Horse/Pig hearts to be Orange instead of Black.

-Updated Horse Jump bar to have Orange at the end so you know when to jump.

-Updated Horse GUI to have Icons in the Armor and Saddle slots.

-(1.12) Updated Llama GUI to have an Icon for the Carpet slot.

-Fixed "Lock World Difficulty" icon.

-(1.12) Fixed Offhand Slot being Cut-off in the Hotbar.

-Changed Pumpkin Seeds to match all other Seeds.

-Changed Wheat Item to match Wheat Plant and Seed.

-Updated Hay Bale to match Wheat Plant, Seed, and Item.

-Changed Critical Hit Particles.

-Changed Bookshelf Particles.

-(1.8) Made Achievement GUI Clear.

-(1.12) Fixed Toast backgrounds.

-Updated Armor Stand Item Texture to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Armor Stand Entity to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Activator Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Powered Activator Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Detector Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Powered Detector Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Powered Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Powered Powered Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Turned Rails to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Arrow Entity to look more like Sticks.

-(1.12) Updated Tipped Arrow Entity to look more like Sticks.

-(1.12) Updated Spectral Arrow Entity to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Tripwire Hooks to look more like Oak Wood Planks.

-Updated Levers to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Redstone Torches to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Deactive Redstone Torches to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Torches to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Ladders to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Repeaters to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Comparators to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Snow Golem Arms to look more like Sticks.

-Updated Glass to be more consistent.

-Updated Pack Icon to match my Updated Skin.

-Added Sun and Moon from Wedhro's Pixel Reality - Atmosphere Resource Pack.

-Updated Credits.

v1.9 - July 10, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

 v1.9 Changes

-(1.12) Changed Shulkers to match other Purple things.

-(1.12) Changed Shulker Shell to match Edited Shulkers.

-(1.12) Changed Purple Shulker Boxes to match other Purple-dyed things.

-(1.12) Changed Purpur Block to match Edited Shulkers.

-(1.12) Changed Purpur Pillar to match Edited Shulkers.

-(1.12) Changed Chorus Fruit to match Edited Purpur.

-(1.12) Changed Popped Chorus Fruit to match Edited Purpur.

-(1.12) Changed Chorus Plants to match Edited Purpur.

-Edited Creative Inventory GUIs.

-(1.12) Fixed Villager Trading GUI.

-(1.12) Removed extra Arrow Entity texture file.

-(1.12) Changed Advancement GUI to be more Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Recipe Book GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Fixed Inventory GUI.

v1.8 - July 5, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.8 Changes

-Updated Ender Chest to match Ender Eyes and made latch white.

-Updated Magma Cube to match Slime better.

-Updated Pack Icon to match my Updated Skin.

-(1.12) Changed Creative Inventory to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Anvil GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Furnace GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Horse GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Dispenser GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Villager GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Beacon GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Enchanting Table GUI to be Clear.

-(1.8) Fixed Enchanting Table GUI to have a slot for Lapis and Item.

-(1.12) Changed Recipe Background GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Shulker Box GUI to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Crafting Table to be Clear.

-Changed Spectator Icons to match Ender Eyes as well as my Skin.

-(1.12) Changed Notifications to be Clear and match some Textures.

-(1.12) Changed some Advancement Menus to match Edited Textures.

-Edited Credits.

-(1.12) Changed Advancement Window to be Clear.

-(1.12) Changed Path Block to match Edited Dirt blocks.

v1.7 - July 2, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.7 Changes

-Updated Enchantment Glint to be more noticeable.

-Updated Fishing Rod Texture to have a bobber.

-Fixed Diamond Armor Models.

-Updated Gravel Texture to match Stone better.

-(1.12) Fixed Menu Buttons and Hotbar Slots to match 1.8

-Updated Spruce Log Top Texture to not have green-ish rings.

-Updated Enchantment Table Texture to look more like Diamond.

-Updated Diamond Ore to have an animation.

-Updated Gold Ore to have an animation.

-Changed Ender Pearls to be purple.

-Changed Eyes of Ender to be purple and have orange/red in the middle.

-Changed End Portal to match Ender Eyes.

-Changed Chain Armor Items to have holes in them.

-Changed Prismarine to not have an animation.

-Changed Magma Cubes to look like red Slimes.

-Updated all Dirt blocks to have more noise and to be brighter.

v1.6 - June 23, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.6 Changes

-(OptiFine Required) Added Sky and Lightmap from JamesonMC's Default Edit.

-Added Thunder Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Chest Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Door Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Grass Block Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Gravel Block Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Sand Block Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Wood Block Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Fire Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Splash Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Anvil Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Bow and Arrow Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Eating Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Menu Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Drinking Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Explosion Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Level Up Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Added Ladder Sounds from Sn0wSong's Resource Pack.

-Fixed Gold and Iron Armor Models.

v1.5 - June 20, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.5 Changes

-Changed Shears to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Gold Ingot to be more Yellow.

-Changed Gold Nugget to be more Yellow.

-Updated Tripwire Hook to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Splash Potion to be more clear.

-Changed Potion to be more clear.

-Changed Empty Bottle to be more clear.

-Changed EXP Bottle to match other Bottles better.

-(1.12) Changed Lingering Potion to be more clear.

-(1.12) Changed Dragon Breath Bottle to be more clear.

-Changed Glistering Melon to not be rotated.

-Changed Potion Overlay to match edited bottles.

-Changed Snow Golem Entity to match Snow better.

-Changed Wither Skeleton to match Skeleton better.

-(1.12) Changed Polarbear to match Snow better.

-Changed Endercrystal Entity to match Bedrock Texture.

-(1.12) Changed Beetroot Seeds to match other seeds better.

-Updated Melon Seeds slightly to match the color scheme of Default Melon Seeds better.

-Changed Feather Texture.

-(1.8) Removed unnecessary GUI files.

-Updated Clay Texture to look more like Default Clay.

-Updated Clay Ball Texture to match Updated Clay Texture.

-Changed Beacon to match Glass Texture.

-(1.12) Changed Beetroot Plant Texture to be darker.

-Changed Carrot Plant Texture to be darker.

-Updated Carrot Item Texture to match Carrot Plant Texture.

-Updated Golden Carrot Texture to match Carrot Plant Texture.

-Changed Potato Plant Texture to be darker.

-Changed Wheat Plant Texture to be darker.

-Changed Wheat Seeds to match Wheat Plant Texture.

v1.4 - June 13, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.4 Changes

-Changed Skeleton Entity to be consistent with other Bone Textures.

-Changed Bone Item to be consistent with other Bone Textures.

-Changed Bonemeal Item to be consistent with other Bone Textures.

-(1.12) Changed Stray Entity to be more consistent with other Bone Textures.

-Changed Skeleton Horse Entity to be more consistent with other Bone Textures.

-Changed Enchantment Glint to be less intense - might be edited further later.

-(1.12) Fixed Arrow Entity not matching Arrow Item.

-(1.12) Changed Shield Entity to match other Iron-Crafted things as well as Oak Wood Planks.

-(1.12) Changed Patterned Shield Entity to match other Iron-Crafted things as well as Oak Wood Planks.

-Changed Endermite Entity to look more like Endermen.

-Changed Angry Villager Particle to a Black Heart.

-Changed several Water Particles to match Rain particles.

-(1.12) Fixed Hotbar Icons. They now match the 1.8 Hotbar.

-Changed Bubble Icons (Drowning) in the Hotbar to match Rain. Also added a transparency to the Full Bubble.

-(1.12) Changed Black Bed to match all other Black-Dyed things as well as Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Gray Bed to match all other Gray-Dyed things as well as Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Light Gray Bed to match all other Light-Gray Dyed things as well as Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed White Bed to match all other White Dyed things as well as Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Magenta Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Orange Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Pink Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Purple Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Red Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Yellow Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Blue Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Brown Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Cyan Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Green Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Light Blue Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.12) Changed Lime Bed to Match Oak Wood Planks. Also made Pillow all White.

-(1.8) Changed Bed to match 1.12 White Bed.

-(1.8) Updated Bed Item to match new Bed Block.

-Removed Armor Items.

v1.3.2 - June 12, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.3.2 Changes: 

-Fixed Glowstone Dust Animation - should work properly now.

v1.3.1 - June 11, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.3.1 Changes

-Removed Glowstone Dust Animation as it wasn't working properly. I will try to figure it out.

v1.3 - June 11, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:                                                   

v1.3 Changes

-(1.12) Slightly edited the front side of Observer to be more centered.

-Changed Glowstone Dust to have an animation to match Glowstone Blocks.

-Changed Sign Item to look more like the Sign Entity and Oak Wood Planks.

-Changed Sign Entity to match Oak Wood Planks and Oak Log textures better.

-Updated Iron Golem Entity to better match Poppies instead of Dandelions.

-Changed Inner Piston Texture to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Piston Side Texture to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Piston Face Texture to match other Iron-Crafted things and Oak Wood Planks.

-Changed Sticky Piston Face Texture to match other Iron-Crafted things and Oak Wood Planks.

-Changed Mob Spawner to look more like Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Brewing Stand Base to look more like the Furnace Block.

-Changed Diamond Helmet Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Diamond Chestplate Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Diamond Leggings Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Diamond Boots Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Iron Helmet Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Iron Chestplate Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Iron Leggings Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Iron Boots Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Gold Helmet Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Gold Chestplate Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Gold Leggings Item to be a higher resolution.

-Changed Gold Boots Item to be a higher resolution.

v1.2 - June 9, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1.2 Changes:

-Changed Chests to look more like Oak Wood Planks.

-Changed Ender Chests to look more like Obsidian.

-Changed Grass and Leave colors to be slightly more vibrant.

-Updated Gold Horse Armor Item barely to match other Horse Armor Items.

-Updated Pack Icon to match my skin, as it was edited.

-Changed "quartz_block_bottom" to match all other Quartz Block Textures.

-(1.12) Changed White Shulkers to match all other White-Dyed things.

-(1.12) Changed Light Gray Shulkers to match all other Light Gray-Dyed things.

-(1.12) Changed Gray Shulkers to match all other Gray-Dyed things.

-(1.12) Changed Black Shulkers to match all other Black-Dyed things.

-(1.12) Changed Black Llama Decor to be all Black.

-(1.12) Changed Blue Llama Decor to be all Blue.

-(1.12) Changed Brown Llama Decor to be all Brown.

-(1.12) Changed Cyan Llama Decor to be all Cyan.

-(1.12) Changed Gray Llama Decor to be all Gray.

-(1.12) Changed Green Llama Decor to be all Green.

-(1.12) Changed Lime Llama Decor to be all Lime.

-(1.12) Changed Magenta Llama Decor to be all Magenta.

-(1.12) Changed Pink Llama Decor to be all Pink.

-(1.12) Changed Red Llama Decor to be all Red.

-(1.12) Changed Light Gray Llama Decor to be all Light Gray.

-(1.12) Changed White Llama Decor to be all White.

-(1.12) Changed Yellow Llama Decor to be all Yellow.

-Updated Turned Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Updated Powered Detector Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Updated Detector Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Updated Powered Activator Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Updated Activator Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Updated Powered Powered Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Updated Powered Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Updated Rails to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed the front side of Dispenser to match the other sides of it and the Furnace Block.

-Changed the front side of Dropper to match the other sides of it and the Furnace Block.

-(1.12) Changed the back side of Observer to match the other sides of it and the Furnace Block.

-(1.12) Changed the powered back side of Observer to match the other sides of it and the Furnace Block.

-(1.12) Changed the front side of Observer to match the other sides of it and the Furnace Block.

-(1.12) Changed the left and right sides of Observer to match the other sides of it and the Furnace Block.

-(1.12) Changed the top of Observer to match the other sides of it and the Furnace Block.

v1.1 - June 7, 2017

1.8 Download:

1.12 Download:

v1.1 Changes

-Changed Minecart Entity to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Minecart Item to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Hopper Minecart Item to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Chest Minecart Item to match other Iron-Crafted things as well as the Chest Entity.

-Changed TNT Minecart Item to match other Iron-Crafted things as well as the TNT Block.

-Changed Command Block Minecart Item to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Furnace Minecart Item to match other Iron-Crafted things as well as the Furnace Block.

-Updated Diamond Armor Models to look more like Default Diamond Armor Models.

-Made "underwater.png" blank so that vision doesn't change while underwater.

-Changed Iron Golem Entity to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-(1.12) Updated Iron Nugget item to match Iron Ingot item better

-Changed Iron Horse Armor Model to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Iron Horse Armor Item to match other Iron-Crafted things.

-Changed Gold Horse Armor Item to match the Default Gold Horse Armor Model better.

-Changed Diamond Horse Armor Item to match the Default Diamond Horse Armor Model better.

v1 - June 2, 2017

-1.8 Download:

-1.12 Download:

v1 Changes

-Changed several Iron-Crafted things to match Iron Ingots better. (Anvils, Cauldrons, Iron Bars, Hoppers, Iron Blocks)

-Changed the Bed Texture to be White.

-Changed Bedrock to look less noisy.

-Added several Textures from Xisuma's Vanilla Tweaks Resource Pack. (Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Bricks, Colored Glass, Netherrack, Nether Brick)

-Changed Cake Texture to remove the Red "Sprinkles."

-Changed Clay to look more Realistic and to match Hardened Clay.

-Changed several Ore Blocks to match default Ore Blocks. (Coal and Lapis match Redstone, Emerald matches Diamond, Iron, and Gold)

-Changed all Ore Textures to have an outline so you can see them next to Lava.

-Changed all Dirt and Grass Textures to not have any Gray pixels in them.

-Changed Mossy Cobblestone to match Default Cobblestone.

-Changed Crafting Tables to match Oak Wood Planks.

-Changed Acacia Wood to be less vibrant. (Anything made from Acacia is affected)

-Changed Double Tallgrass to be shorter.

-Changed Emerald and Lapis Ore to match all other Overworld Ores.

-Changed Obsidian to have more of an Earth-Tone. (Affects Enchantment Tables, Beacons)

-Changed Enchantment Tables to remove the Red Cloth.

-Added Fire and Water Textures from NoLimit's Christmas Pack. (I don't know where these Textures originate from.)

-Changed Furnace Blocks to look similar on all sides.

-Changed Glowstone to have an Animation.

-Changed Gravel to be all Black/Gray/White.

-Changed Hay Bales to have more Shading.

-Changed Ice and Packed Ice to be White instead of Blue.

-Changed Jukebox and Note Block to be more distinguishable.

-Changed Sticks to be darker. (Affects all Tools, Ladders, Torches, Levers, Rails, Trip Wires, Armorstands, Arrows, Comparators, Repeators)

-Changed Jungle Leaves to have no Yellow Spot in them.

-Added all Log Side Textures from BDoubleO100's Texture Pack.

-Changed all Log Top Textures to have Rings instead of Squares on the Inside.

-Changed Melons to have more Shading.

-Changed Red and Brown Mushroom Blocks to have more Shading.

-Changed all Planks to remove several unnecessary lines in them.

-Changed Pumpkins to remove the Face in them and to have more Shading.

-Changed Jack-O-Lanterns to have more Shading.

-Changed Red Sandstone to have less noticeable lines.

-Changed Chiseled Sandstone and Chiseled Red Sandstone to have a Brick Texture.

-Changed Redstone Lamps to look more like Glowstone.

-Changed Powered Redstone Lamps to have an Animation.

-Changed Sand and Sandstone to be more Saturated.

-Changed all Saplings to look more like their respective Trees.

-Changed Snow to be all white.

-Changed Soul Sand to look like Sand.

-Changed Sponge and Wet Sponge to have more Shading.

-Changed all Stone Brick Textures to remove some unnecessary lines.

-Changed Tallgrass to be shorter.

-Changed TNT to have more Shading.

-Changed Vines to be smaller.

-(1.8 ONLY) Added Wool Textures from 1.12.

-(1.12) Changed Black, Gray, Light Gray, and White Concrete and Concrete Powder to be entirely their respective colors.

-(1.12) Changed End Bricks to remove some unnecessary lines.

-(1.12) Changed End Rod to have a Gray base.

-(1.12) Changed Frosted Ice to be White instead of Blue.

-(1.12) Changed several Glazed Terracotta Blocks to match their colors better. (Black, Brown, Cyan, Gray, Green, Light Blue, Lime, Orange, Pink, Purple, Light Gray, White, Yellow)

-(1.12) Changed Path Block to not have any Gray pixels in it.

-(1.12) Changed Black, Gray, Light Gray, and White Shulker Boxes to be entirely their respective colors.

-Changed Moon Texture to be more round.

-Changed Rain Texture to be more realistic.

-Changed Snow Texture to be more realistic.

-Changed Sun Texture to be more round.

-Added Font from a random Texture Pack. (I have no idea where these Textures originate from.)

-(1.8 ONLY) Added GUIs from ScOpe_H3ad's Simplistic Pack.

-Changed the General Background to be Dark Oak Planks instead of Dirt.

-Changed Golden Apples to match regular Apples better.

-Changed Carrot to look more consistent.

-Changed Golden Carrot to look more like regular Carrots.

-Changed Door Item Textures to look more like their respective doors.

-Changed several Dye Textures to be more consistent. (Cyan, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Red, Light Gray, Yellow)

-Changed Egg to be more detailed.

-Changed Empty Helmet and Chestplate armor slots to look like Helmets and Chestplates.

-(1.12) Made Empty offhand slot blank.

-Changed Flint to be more detailed.

-Changed Flint and Steel to match Flint and Iron Ingots better.

-Changed Item Frames to better match an empty Item Frame.

-Changed Nether Star to be more consistent.

-Changed Melon Seeds to match regular Seeds better.

-Changed Slimeball to be transparent.

-Changed Snowball to be all White.

-(1.12) Changed Boat Item Textures to match Shovel Textures.

-(1.12) Changed Iron Nugget to match Gold Nugget better.

-(1.12) Changed the Colors on Tipped Arrows to be less obtrusive.

-Added Diamond, Gold, and Iron armor from ScOpe_H3ad's Simplistic Pack.

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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